The very best collection of classic hot jazz recordings.
Earl Hines, Clifford Hayes: Frog Hop
Earl McDonald & The Great Louisville Jug Bands
East St. Louis Stomp: Hot Jazz Recorded in St. Louis 1924-1932
Eddie South Black Gypsy
Fats Waller on the Air 1938 Broadcasts
Five Birmingham Babies
Frog Spawn The First Batch
Frog Spawn The Fourth Batch
Frog Spawn The Second Batch
Frog Spawn White Hot Batch
GO HARLEM New York Columbia Recordings - Volume 2
Happy Rhythm : N.Y. Columbia Recordings 1
Hot Stuff : Black Chicago Bands 1922-29
Jimmy O'Bryant: Mystery Man Of Jazz
Johnny Dodds 1926-27: NewOrleans Stomp
Johnny Dodds on Paramount (Double Box Set)
Johnny Dodds: Blue Clarinet Stomp
Johnny Dunn: Cornet Blues
Kennedy’s Blues
Kennedy’s Blues: African-American Blues and Gospel Songs on JFK
King Mutt & his Tennessee Thumpers: Good Time Mamma
King Oliver & his Orchestra 1
King Oliver & his Orchestra 2
King Oliver Blues Singers & Orchestra
King Oliver Volume 1 - Sugar Foot Stomp
King Oliver Volume 2
Lanin's Southern Serenaders
Legends & The Lost - Rare & Hot Jazz 1929-31
Lem Fowler: Chittering Struts & Washboards Stomps